Steve Jones visited with us after judging our local show. He was flying to a sale in Canada the next day and tried to encourage us to buy a calf. I said no, but if he came across something in milk, I may be interested. On his return he contacted me to say he had come across a third calver called Mooncrest Imperial Lady. She had been bred by the Savage Family of British Columbia and was standing at Walkerbrae Farms. After quarantine she was imported into Northern Ireland in February 1997.  She calved down in November 1997 with a bull calf subsequently called Potterswalls Lord Juno EX93 by Valleystream Jis Juno.

We ventured out to the Royal Ulster Winter Fair in December 1997 with this 56 inch Jersey that stood closer to her Holstein counterparts than her Jersey contemporaries.  She made it through to the Jersey Championship and went on to take the Interbreed to be described by the Judge as one of the finest dairy animals he had the pleasure of judging. She took the Interbreed at the Spring Show in May 1998 and again in May 1999. By now Mooncrest Imperial Lady was a household name and from this she took the Potterswalls name beyond Irish and UK soil.

Lady went on to score EX96 and was flushed extensively but with minimal success.  She had one natural daughter which scored VG87 and three Excellent daughters by ET. Her sons all found homes as stock bulls with Lord Juno becoming the No 1 Type Bull in the UK for two years. He is currently being marketed by Cogent Breeding in the UK

The family has now  developed on  from the four daughters with many impressive individuals now in the Potterswalls Herd.

Potterswalls Kaiser Lady
Potterswalls Kaiser Lady VG87-2yrs
Potterswalls Legacy Ladt
Potterswalls Legacy Lady EX93-2E
Potterswalls Legacy Lady 2
Potterswalls Legacy Lady 2 EX93

 Potterswalls Ressurection Lady
Potterswalls Ressurection Lady

Potterswalls Iatola Lady
Potterswalls Iatola Lady EX94-4E

potterswalls prides lady
Potterswalls Prides Lady VG85

potterswalls rocket lady
Potterswalls Rocket Lady VG87

potterswalls jades lady
Potterswalls Jades Lady VG87

potterswalls just a lady
Potterswalls Just ALady ET EX91-3E

potterswalls councillor lady
Potterswalls Councillors Lady ET EX90

Potterswalls Connection Lady
Potterswalls Connection Lady ET
EX93-2E 3rd calver

mooncrest imperial lady
Mooncrest Imperial Lady EX96-5E
potterswalls jade b lady Potterswalls Jade B Lady EX90



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